serial bootloader and stm32flash
stm32flash is a flash program for STM32 MCU to upload program using the built-in serial bootloader over UART. The jumper should be set at boot mode when the stm32flash. stm32flash -b 115200 -w file.hex -v -g 0x0 COM6 Change COM6 to whatever port you are using. "-g 0x0" means run program after flashing. Omit it when your program is driving the right wheel because UART 1 share pin with TIMER 1. Remember to detach the USB2TTL as well. Make sure "file.hex" is generated by checking the appropriate box in "Options for Target": You can run stm32flash in keil uvision by setting the external tools: "#h" is the substitution of hex file name. Remind you once again. Use the 3.3 volts line on the USB2TTL. Never connect the 5 volts line to the robot car. stm32flash use SPACE as delimiter. Therefore your project name and folder name shall not contains SPACE. Chinese characters shall be avoided.