
Showing posts from January, 2022

serial bootloader and stm32flash

  stm32flash is a flash program for STM32 MCU to upload program using the built-in serial bootloader over UART. The jumper should be set at boot mode when the stm32flash. stm32flash -b 115200 -w file.hex -v -g 0x0 COM6 Change COM6 to whatever port you are using. "-g 0x0" means run program after flashing. Omit it when your program is driving the right wheel because UART 1 share pin with TIMER 1. Remember to detach the USB2TTL as well. Make sure "file.hex" is generated by checking the appropriate box in "Options for Target": You can run stm32flash in keil uvision by setting the external tools: "#h" is the substitution of hex file name. Remind you once again. Use the 3.3 volts line on the USB2TTL. Never connect the 5 volts line to the robot car. stm32flash use SPACE as delimiter. Therefore your project name and folder name shall not contains SPACE. Chinese characters shall be avoided.

STM32F103 Black Pill

Component Order in Soldering 1) right angle header 2) 3-pin headers 3) 17-pin headers (fixture required) Pinouts The on-board LED is connected to PB12. Pull it LOW to turn on . It can be programmed either through the 4-pin header or through UART1. To program through UART1, set the jumpers to SERIAL PROGRAMMING before power up. Normally the jumpers should be set in NORMAL MAIN FLASH. Schematic


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WIFI modules: HC-05 vs HC-06

Note: The Wifi modules provided to students were already paired. Baud rate is 115200   HC-05 HC-06 master or slave slave only Enter AT mode Hold button while power up When power up, before pairing succeeded Baud rate (AT mode) 38400 9600 Send command Carriage return(enter) and line feed(ctrl-J) after command Whole command must be sent at once. Recommend pasting command to terminal. Neither carriage return nor line feed is needed. Set name to name AT+NAME=name AT+NAMEname Set password to 1234 AT+PSWD=“1234” AT+PIN1234 Set master AT+ROLE=1 Set baud rate to 115200 AT+UART=115200,1,0 AT+BAUD8